
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Crikey! Acorn's calling for new plays again!

It happens every year.  Acorn Productions in Westbrook, Maine announces a call for new plays, and dozens of playwright hearts flutter. In April of 2013, the 12th Annual Playwrights Festival will showcase monologues, 2-minute plays, 10 minute plays, one-act plays and full length scripts. They are "looking for the best new plays by Maine-based playwrights."

There have been a couple of those years when I didn't think I had anything worthy of submitting, but I'm usually sending in at least one entry.  This year, my mind is occupied with following up the publication of my thriller A Bridge to Treachery with another novel, but I know that I won't be able to sit by and watch this deadline pass without submitting something.

This is one of the attractions of writing plays, the thrill of seeing your characters live onstage. In the case of short plays, the relatively short time frame from gestation to production can be irresistible. Writers who have worked on pieces that haven't come together satisfactorily for them yet, can start rummaging around in the drawer with a new incentive to try breathing life into them.  I'll be posting my own progress toward meeting the December deadline.                                               


Jeri said...

I'll look forward to seeing posts on your progress. I would be interested to see how you transition from novel writing to writing plays. I've always wanted to take a class on script writing, but just never found the time.

Larry Crane said...

I'd bet that if you looked around a little in the your local area, you could find a theatre group that is open to submissions of short plays. You could simply write one and submit it. No harm done, and who knows, you may just find it a new avenue for your writing. I guarantee writing a play will make you really concentrate on your dialogue skills.

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